Azalea Trail Helpful Forms & Applications

Admission Agreement
The document details the agreement between the facility and the resident or legal representative regarding their respective responsibilities.
Authorization to Manage Personal Funds
Authorization to Hold, Safeguard, & Manage Personal Funds. A Policy on Protection of Resident Funds.
Authorization to Manage Personal Funds
Audio-Visual Consent Waiver
Consent for Use of Photographs, Audiovisual Recordings, Newsletters/Newsprint, and Skin/Wound Documentation.
Disallowed Items List
Nursing Home List of Items Not Allowed in Resident Room (This list is not all-inclusive).
Do-Not-Resuscitate Order
This Out-Of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate (OOH-DNR) document is the original version as provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services. This document is a fillable PDF form (you can enter the data directly in the form on your computer and print it from there).
Nursing Home Checklist
Click the link below to pull up and print this important questionnaire. Use it when looking for a Long Term Care facility for your Loved One!
Palliative Care Form
The information provided on this form is to assist in documenting palliative care and services necessary for this resident. The care and services the resident receives should continue to meet standards of practice for nursing services, dietary services, social services, and any other care or services necessary for the resident to be in a safe and comfortable environment.
Power of Attorney
Durable Power Of Attorney For Health Care. Disclosure Statement concerning the Durable Power Of Attorney For Health Care.
Volunteer Program Packet
This document consists of several forms to be completed before volunteering at Azalea Trail Nursing and Rehabilitation Center:
- Investigation for criminal convictions.
- Statement of confidentiality
- Volunteer application
- Volunteer Inservice